This course will introduce students to the tradition and practice of urban landscape painting. We will explore historic and contemporary approaches to painting the dynamic landscape of urban space. Working from sketches and photographic reference, students will learn how to capture the essential aspects of a chosen scene and solve the problems of perspective, light and form, use of colour, paint application and composition.
Spring 2021: 8 Weeks: Tuition: $355 + Materials Fee: $5 = Total:$360
PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID 19, special policies and regulations will apply. Students must be in agreement with these health and safety regulations and TSA's policies in order to enrol.
Notes: Brian Harvey lives and works in Toronto. He has been painting and exhibiting for over a decade and his work can be found in public and private collections across Canada, the United States and Europe. His paintings are studies of the commonplace and the typically mundane: the everyday objects, spaces and urban landscapes that surround him that are frequently overlooked. He has training from Seneca College, Sheridan College, Toronto School of Art, the Art Centre at Central Technical School, and has recently completed a BFA from OCAD University in Toronto.