• Introduction-Intermediate
  • Painting

This introductory course will provide the beginner with practical and technical knowledge of oil paint. Taken in advance or as a compliment to Basic Painting, the course will familiarize students with oil colours, mediums and the properties specific to each. Demonstrations relating to technique will be ongoing, detailing both traditional and contemporary styles of application and the aesthetic qualities specific to each. Upon completion, students should possess a greater sensitivity to and knowledge of the medium that will take them beyond formative training. Issues of health and safety relating to the use of handling of oil paints will be interwoven throughout the course.

12 Weeks: Base Tuition: $495 + Materials Fee: $35 = Total: $530

Notes: This course is a good precursor to taking Fundamental Oils 2 or Basic Painting. Fall Term: NO CLASS MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 (Thanksgiving)
* This course is not currently open for registration

What you will learn

  • Intro to basic painting techniques, blending, glazing, impasto with palette knife.
  • Exposure to contemporary painting
  • Health and Safety, positive habits