• Introduction-Intermediate
  • Painting

This course is process based.  Students will produce a series of painting that investigate the fundamental components of visual language, such as: ways of seeing, values, colour and composition, spatial relationships, underlying structure and layering, surface qualities.  Emphasis is place on students developing their own expression.  lectures include contemporary and historical art.  

Spring 2020:

10 Weeks:  Base Tuition: $422 + Material/Model Fee: $40 = Total: $462

Notes: It is recommended that students have taken an Introduction to Drawing course, or have some drawing experience.
* This course is not currently open for registration

What you will learn

  • Base for making an image
  • Subject matter: Still life, portrait, landscape
  • Volume (light and shadow)
  • Composition: horizontal, vertical, pictorial space and structure
  • Colour: warm and cool colour, colour as light
  • Focal points, centre of interest, points of meaning.
  • Students taking second term focus on skills learned from first term. Students begin to develop own direction.

Materials to Bring

Please keep all purchase receipts in case you need to return materials.  

105 with Martha Eleen (PDF)