This drawing course addresses a combination of traditional and non-traditional techniques with various media and ground preparation exploring mark making, texture, line, colour and composition on different supports, creating abstract and representational work. Through intensive and sustained investigation, students will explore varying methods for drawing and determine how accidental mishap can lead to unexpected possibility. In addition, participants will be encouraged to explore new and unorthodox techniques while making use of opportunities for inventive discovery.
Spring 2021: 8 Weeks: Base Tuition: $355 + Materials Fee: $25 = Total: $380
PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID 19, special policies and regulations will apply. Students must be in agreement with these health and safety regulations and TSA's policies in order to enrol.
Notes: Tina Oehmsen-Clark has been working as an artist and art educator since the early 80s and 90s, respectively. She has been teaching Youth Studio, Portfolio Development, Drawing and Sculpture/Media Explorations at the Toronto School of Art since 2005. Tina also is an art catalyst in a special program at Avondale Secondary Alternative School. Oehmsen-Clark’s work is an exploration of sound and music and visual art, including audio, drawing, sculpture, performance and sound installation. Her work has been shown and awarded in Germany, Denmark and Canada and most recently been exhibited at the Stephen Bulger Gallery, Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts, IndexG and Robert Kananaj Gallery.Please keep your receipts to all purchases in case you need to return any materials.
Further materials will be discussed.