This beginner’s course helps you to use drawing as a part of your everyday life, quietly in a sketchbook, engaging with the world, filling walls with your spirit. Develop a language to draw from life, memory, imagination and storytelling. All the shortcuts, tips and tricks from a 30-year teaching career, invented, adapted and melted down into a refreshing introductory course. To draw a knee cap, just think of an Oreo cookie with a beard. See? Now you’ll never forget!
Fall 2019/ Winter 2020 - 12 Weeks: Base Tuition: $495 + Materials Fee: $50 = Total: $545
Notes: Winter Term 2020- No class Feb 26, 2020- last class will be April 1, 2020Develop an easy way to draw from life. Learn to draw from the imagination. Learn to draw from memory.
Please keep your receipts to all purchases incase you need to return any materials.